The cooking part went well, but the rest? After seeing it, I have to say that I am a little bit disappointed. I was amazed at first when I knew that there was an anime specially about cooking (Because I love eating :-). See also manhua and manhwa., shounen In the context of manga and associated media, shounen, literally meaning "youth" and often also specifically "boy", refers to a male audience roughly between the ages of 10 and 18. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime. Everything and its mother is based on manga.

Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., cooking Cooking is the process of preparing food by using heat., manga Manga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions and fighting., comedy Anime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. During his journey, he meets great friends and fierce rivals who wish to challenge him in the field of cooking.Action Action anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. However, before he takes his mother's place as Master Chef, he continues to travel China in order to learn more of the many ways of cooking, in the hopes of becoming a legendary chef, just like his mother. The beginning of the story takes place in Szechuan, Mao's birthplace.Īfter the death of Mao's mother, Pai, who was called the 'Fairy of Cuisine', Mao becomes a Super Chef in order to take the title as Master Chef of his mother's restaurant. The country of China has four major regions: Beijing, Szechuan, Shanghai, and Guangdong. Chefs compete with each other in order to gain respect and even power, but also with the risks of losing everything. It is a country where insulting a high-grade chef or fooling around with cooking could land a person in a jail, and impersonating a top-chef is as good as usurpation of authority. It was an era in which top chefs with different cooking styles tried their best to improve their skills and to become the best chef in China. It is also during a fictitious era called "The Era of the Cooking Wars". The story takes place in 19th century China during the Qing Dynasty, where the Emperor was weakened and the country was close to chaos.