He was already envisaging variable temperature cryostats operating continuously between 1.5 and 300 K, non-existent at the time. Brochier strongly criticised Management, who were following Harwell and other centres, disregarding the specificities of the ILL. In octobre 1973 vigorous exchange of letters highlights the ILL's discontent with regard to its supplier Stoehr.And, to make things worse, sample alignment in the neutron beam meant leaning the cryostat, and neither the cryostats nor the ILL goniometers were designed for that. The rise from 1.5 K to 300 K required changing the cryogenic fluid, etc. The specifications were for an autonomy of only 30 to 50 hours, with temperature fixed or variable across a limited range. They favoured commercial cryostats adapted specifically to the requirements of the instruments. In March 1973 the directors brought the scientists and cryogenics staff together to discuss a strategy.

In 1972 the ILL was obliged to borrow a cryostat from the CEA for D2 .As a whole series of early letters and reports attest, cryogenics was a crucial issue for the ILL from the beginning.